Table of Contents
Dr. Mutsuko Takahashi BLOG
18th Century Sexualities: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
Reading the theme of voyeurism in Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure through a microscopic eye, I try to extend the argument to the psychoanalytic lens of the Lacanian gaze and a postcolonial perspective by deconstructing the binary.
- Introduction
- Comparison of the fate of prostitutes
- The binary between public and private
- A microscopic view and the gaze
- Text
- Bibliography
Fundamentally different from other works in the 18th century, John Cleland’s Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure opens a vista for the bright future of a prostitute, deviating from the conventional standard of the period. The uniqueness will be clearer when it is compared with other contemporary works. In this article, I will develop discussions from three perspectives as follows:
- How the fate of a prostitute in Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure is different from other works.
- Introducing that the microscope might have made an impact in the literary field, and how we can observe the detail of the text by using a microscopic eye.
- Based on the theme of voyeurism, extending the argument to the psychoanalytic lens of the Lacanian gaze and a postcolonial perspective by deconstructing the binary.
For further study, I would suggest the possibility that this unique outcome could be a satiric strategy to camouflage an ideology of that time.
Comparison of the fate of prostitutes
For further study, I would suggest the possibility that this unique outcome could be a satiric strategy to camouflage an ideology of that time.
Lewis Walpole Library Digital Archive【Search terms: prostitution】
A Harlot’s Progress, Plate 1, William Hogarth
In Plate 1, Moll’s arrival in London is portrayed. The brothel-keeper who has something like syphilitic lesions on her face, as if to be a foreshadowing of Moll’s destiny, is trying to drag her into prostitution. It is said that a pile of pans that is almost falling down symbolizes Moll’s fall. A portrayal in Plate 1 is sufficiently similar to Fanny’s situation of how she met Mrs. Brown in London after the death of her parents.
Secondly, let’s take a look at Plate 6 to see the outcome of prostitution.
A Harlot’s Progress, Plate 6, William Hogarth
Moll has died of syphilis, and her whore mates are gathering for her funeral wake. A boy who is probably Moll’s son is innocently playing by the coffin. Men on each side of the painting are trying to make sexual advances on women by underestimating them as prostitutes. In Hogarth’s paintings, the chaotic social issues of the 18th century are dramatized by the bare satirical paintings. The hopeless destination of a prostitute girl being affected with syphilis is depicted.
By contrast, in Cleland’s novel, Fanny’s life after the end of her prostitution is full of hope. As she narrated at the end of the novel, her life will be going on as a healthy wife and mother who can “bestow a legal parentage on those fine children (186-187)”. Compared to the widely accepted destination of prostitution represented by Hogarth’s paintings, why has Fanny reached the conclusion of a happy ending? In this light, can we regard Fanny as a reliable narrator?
The binary between public and private
Given that Fanny is an unreliable narrator, we might be able to observe an ideology camouflaged behind her narrative. For further understanding of this hypothetical viewpoint, I would like to focus on the concept of a public nature in the 18th century. The concept of publicness of the time is built on the tension between openness and closedness, which can be summarized as follows:
Openness Closedness
Coffeehouses (public social places) ➡ Elite private member clubs
Fanny as a prostitute (a public woman) ➡ Treasuring the private spiritual domain
Publication of an epistolary novel ➡ Disclosure of privacy
Letters (external communication tools) ➡ Internal communication tools between two I’s:
(a writer and a recipient) (a subject of writing and an object of being written)
As mentioned above, the prosperity of the coffeehouse culture which promotes public social places has simultaneously been producing private places such as members-only clubs for gentlemen, as binary oppositions. Ostensible free sociability could have not existed without the exclusive class consciousness that secures private domains behind.
The leadership struggles between two forces around the privacy might be a significant viewpoint to unmask Fanny’s narrative; for, those two forces are deconstructed in the text of Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure. The central element of Fanny as a public woman has been pushed to the periphery, and her private spiritual domain which used to be a marginalized element has alternatively taken the place of the center at the end of her prostitution.
A microscopic view and the gaze
In the first place, an epistolary novel itself is a mediating tool to sneak a peek into the privacy of others. In the case of Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded, for example, Mr. B actually has stolen and read Pamela’s letters. Stealing a peek into someone’s private life involves an aspect of voyeurism, which is metaphorically parallel to the voyeuristic behavior of peeking into the sexual activity of others in Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure.
Under voyeuristic circumstances, there must be a relationship between the subject of giving gaze and the object of being gazed. As an extension of this relationship, Joseph Addison, for example, has reversed the relationship between the subject and the object in his publication of The Spectator. Seen through the writer’s lens, he has observed readers and society as a spectator from the outer frame while he stepped into the center of them. It is reasonable to say that Addison has successfully applied a microscopic eye to observe society through The Spectator. Calling himself Mr. Spectator, he equates the lens with the text and regards the privileged person who manipulates the lens as the author. It is not unreasonable to suppose that the visual culture of microscopes has given a great impact on the 18th-century literary field since Vesalius’ achievement of the anatomy of the human body in the Renaissance period.
Encompassing a voyeuristic aspect, the dramatization of sexuality seen through a microscopic eye is woven in the text of Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure behind Fanny’s rhetoric. The dramatization of sexuality in this text must begin with magnifying one’s sense and memory from a microscopic viewpoint. It is to gaze into the depths of the world which is invisible by bare eyes.
Transcending the ability of the eyes as a visual organ, what we can see through a microscopic eye is a concept manifested by the gaze. In the extension of Lacanian thought, the gaze must reflect the desire of objet petit a; as necessary, the final paper can cover this discussion in more detail. Therefore, the sexuality woven in the text is not merely the dramatization of what you have actually witnessed, but the concept that you have perceived through a microscopic eye or the Lacanian gaze, which has an ability to transform reflecting the desire of an observer.
Considering that Cleland might have been acquainted with Alexander Pope since his father was a friend of Pope, excerpts from An Essay on Man can be raised as possible contentions to observe a potentiality for applying the microscopic optical theory to literature.
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man, in Four Epistles, Edinburgh, MDCCLI, 1751.
The speaker of An Essay on Man poses a question, “Why has not man a microscopic eye? (Pope, 8)”. Since James Thomson also uses the term, “microscopic eye (Thomson, 45)” in The Seasons, we can observe the permeation of this idea in the literary texts.
Returning to the text of Pope, the speaker tries to seek the point where “No glass can reach (Pope, 10)”, transcending the “Vast chain of being (Pope, 9)”. What the speaker of the poem has found at the end of the gaze is depicted in the speaker’s discovery of the place of happiness on page 35. Highlighted part on page 35 in the text of An Essay on Man appears to represent Fanny’s perspective she has reached in the end; however, what we can see at the end of the microscopic eye might be a satire shaped by the form of disguised ideology. To support this idea, for example, we will see that Pope’s “Vast chain of being (Pope, 9) has become a reversal in the text of Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure. Fanny states as follows:
I had now, through more than one rent, discovered and felt his thighs, the skin of which seemed the smoother and fairer for the coarseness, and even the dirt of his dress, as the teeth of negroes seem the whiter for the surrounded black;...(John Cleland, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, p.162)
Fanny’s view toward the boy reflects an exploiter’s perspective of colonialism; by capturing the boy’s sexuality, she is symbolically depriving the possession of his own property/ body by the gaze. Thus, black and white are reversed, and the boy is sexually awakened for the first time through intercourse with Louisa and acts as if he is a noble savage on the bed. This is the very moment that the standpoint of both parties is dramatically reversed. Thus, Fanny vicariously experiences the possibility that the exploiter can switch places with the exploited.
Fanny states that she has finally been ruled by Charles’ “plea of love (186)” at the end of the novel; however, contrary to her claim, it is Fanny that has actually ruled Charles in favor of his love. Taking advantage of the marriage system, Fanny colonizes Charles’ psychological domain as his symbolical father or Lacanian concept of the Name-of-the-Father, rather than his wife. It is because he was once forced to leave England because of his father, but could return to his homeland in a legitimate way through his marriage with Fanny.
The same holds for Fanny’s reason for her marriage, for what facilitates Fanny to shift from a public woman to a wife could have been driven by her class consciousness on the subconscious level; it is just like the case of a coffeehouse which produces a public space on the other side of a private space driven by exclusive class consciousness. Fanny’s explanation of the reason for her marriage is justified by Charles’ power of love; however, on the flip side of her explanation, her class consciousness could have functioned as a driving force to make her legitimately join the upper nobles.
John Cleland, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure; edited with an introduction and notes by Peter Sabor, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Addison, Joseph. The Spectator, ed. Henry Morley, Vol. 1, (No. 21, Saturday, March 24, 1711), London: George Routledge and sons, Limited, 1891.
Ibid. , Vol. 2, (No. 281, Tuesday, January 22, 1712), London: George Routledge and sons, Limited, 1891.
Ibid. , Vol. 3, (No. 445, Thursday, July 31, 1712), London: George Routledge and sons, Limited, 1891.
Habermas, Jürgen. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: an inquiry into a category of Bourgeois society, translated by Thomas Burger in association with Frederick Lawrence, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989. PDF.
Hogarth, William. A Harlot’s Progress, Plate 1, Lewis Walpole Library Digital Archive.
Ibid., Plate 6, Lewis Walpole Library Digital Archive.
Lacan, Jacques. “The Split Between the Eye And the Gaze”, “The Line and Light”. The Four Fundamental
Concepts of Psycho-Analysis. London : Karnac Books, 2004. pp.67-78, 91-104. EBSCO host.
Nicolson, Marjorie. “The Microscope and English Imagination”, Science and Imagination, 155-234. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1976.
Pincus, Steve. “Coffee Politicians Does Create”: Coffeehouses and Restoration Political Culture, The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 67, No. 4 (1995): 807-834, The University of Chicago Press, JSTOR.
Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man, in Four Epistles, 1751. ECCO.
Thomson, James. “Summer”, The Seasons, 37-89. ECCO.
18世紀のセクシュアリティ研究:『ファニー・ヒル 一娼婦の手記』
ジョン・クレランドの『ファニー・ヒル 一娼婦の手記』を窃視のテーマをもとに、ラカン的眼差しの精神分析的視点をポストコロニアル的視点に拡張することで二項対立の脱構築を試みる。
まず、ウィリアム・ホガースの絵画作品『娼婦一代記』を見て、『ファニー・ヒル 一娼婦の手記』の娼婦の運命が他の作品とどう違うかを明らかにしよう。
Lewis Walpole Library Digital Archive【検索ワード: prostitution】
『娼婦一代記』 (1. モル・ハックアバウト、チープサイドのベル館にたどり着く)
『娼婦一代記』(1. モル・ハックアバウト、チープサイドのベル館にたどり着く)では、モルがロンドンに到着した様子が描かれている。モルの運命を予感させるかのように、顔に梅毒のような病変を持つ売春宿のマダムは、モルを売春に引きずり込もうとしている。倒れそうなフライパンの山は、モルの転落を象徴していると言われている。両親の死後、ロンドンでブラウン夫人と出会ったファニーの境遇は、『娼婦一代記』(1) の描写にとてもよく似ている。
次に、『娼婦一代記』(6. モルの葬式)で、売春の結果について見てみよう。
『娼婦一代記』 (6. モルの葬式)
それに対して、クレランドの小説では、売春を終えたファニーの人生は希望に満ちている。小説の最後で彼女が語るように、彼女の人生は健康な妻、そして“bestow a legal parentage on those fine children (186-187)”「あの立派な子供たちに法的な親権を与えることができる」母として続いていくのである。
売春の行き着く先は、通常、ホガースの絵画に代表されるような悲劇的結末が広く受け入れられていることと比較すると、なぜファニーはハッピーエンドという結論に至ったのだろうか。このように考えると、ファニーを信頼できる語り手と見な すことができるだろうか。
公共性 閉鎖性
コーヒーハウス(公共の社交場) ➡ エリートの会員制クラブ
娼婦のファニー(公共の女) ➡ 精神的な私的領域を大切にする
書簡体小説の出版 ➡ プライバシーの開示
手紙:外部とのコミュニケーションツール ➡ 内部とのコミュニケーションツール
(書き手と受け取り手) (二人の自分:書く主体と書かれる主体)
そもそも書簡体小説というのは、それ自体が他人のプライバシーをこっそり覗き見るための媒介ツールなのだ。たとえばサミュエル・リチャードソンの『パミラ、あるいは淑徳の報い』の場合、B氏は実際にパミラの手紙を盗み見して読んでいる。他人の私生活を覗き見することは、窃視的な側面を持ち、『ファニー・ヒル 一娼婦の手記』で他人の性行為を覗き見する盗撮行為と比喩的に似ている。
ファニーのレトリックの背後には、覗き見的な側面を包含しながら、顕微鏡の眼で見た性(セクシュアリティ)のドラマが『ファニー・ヒル 一娼婦の手記』のテキストに織り込まれているのである。このテキストにおける性のドラマ化は、自分の感覚や記憶をミクロの視点で拡大することから始めなければならない。それは、裸眼では見えない世界の深層を見つめることである。
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man, in Four Epistles, Edinburgh, MDCCLI, 1751.
『人間論』の語り手は、「なぜ人間には顕微鏡のような目がないのか(Pope, 8)」という問いを投げかけている。ジェームズ・トムソンも『四季』の中で"microscopic eye"(Thomson, 45)「顕微鏡の目」という言葉を使っているから、この思想が文学作品に浸透していることがわかる。
ポープのテキストに戻ると、語り手は「存在の広大な連鎖(Pope, 9)」を超えて、「どんなガラスも到達できない(Pope, 10)」ところを探そうとする。詩の話者が視線の先に見つけたものは、「幸福の場所(Pope, 35)」の発見で描かれている。『人間論』本文の35ページのハイライト部分は、最後に到達したファニーの視点を表しているように見えるが、ミクロの視線の先に見えるのは、偽装されたイデオロギーの形式によって形作られた風刺なのかもしれない。例えば、ポープの「存在の広大な連鎖(Pope, 9)」が、『ファニー・ヒル 一娼婦の手記』の本文中で反転していることを見てみることにする。ファニーは次のように述べる。
I had now, through more than one rent, discovered and felt his thighs, the skin of which seemed the smoother and fairer for the coarseness, and even the dirt of his dress, as the teeth of negroes seem the whiter for the surrounded black;...(John Cleland, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, p.162) 私は彼の服のあちこちの隙間から透けて見える、その太ももに手を触れてみたのですが、ちょうど黒人の歯がその周囲の皮膚の黒さと対照して一段と白く見えるのと同様に、それも服の粗末さと汚れのために一段となめらかで色白く見えたのです。
ファニーは小説の最後で、チャールズの “plea of love (186)”「愛の訴え」についに支配されたと述べるが、彼女の主張とは逆に、実際にチャールズを愛の訴えで支配したのはファニーなのである。ファニーは、結婚制度を利用して、妻ではなく、彼の象徴的な父親、あるいはラカンの「父の名」の概念として、チャールズの心理的領域を植民地化しているのである。それは、かつて父親のためにイギリスを追われた彼が、ファニーとの結婚によって正当な方法で祖国に帰ることができたからである。
John Cleland, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure; edited with an introduction and notes by Peter Sabor, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Addison, Joseph. The Spectator, ed. Henry Morley, Vol. 1, (No. 21, Saturday, March 24, 1711), London: George Routledge and sons, Limited, 1891.
Ibid. , Vol. 2, (No. 281, Tuesday, January 22, 1712), London: George Routledge and sons, Limited, 1891.
Ibid. , Vol. 3, (No. 445, Thursday, July 31, 1712), London: George Routledge and sons, Limited, 1891.
Habermas, Jürgen. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: an inquiry into a category of Bourgeois society, translated by Thomas Burger in association with Frederick Lawrence, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989. PDF.
Hogarth, William. A Harlot’s Progress, Plate 1, Lewis Walpole Library Digital Archive.
Ibid., Plate 6, Lewis Walpole Library Digital Archive.
Lacan, Jacques. “The Split Between the Eye And the Gaze”, “The Line and Light”. The Four Fundamental
Concepts of Psycho-Analysis. London : Karnac Books, 2004. pp.67-78, 91-104. EBSCO host.
Nicolson, Marjorie. “The Microscope and English Imagination”, Science and Imagination, 155-234. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1976.
Pincus, Steve. “Coffee Politicians Does Create”: Coffeehouses and Restoration Political Culture, The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 67, No. 4 (1995): 807-834, The University of Chicago Press, JSTOR.
Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man, in Four Epistles, 1751. ECCO.
Thomson, James. “Summer”, The Seasons, 37-89. ECCO.
18th Century Sexualities: Homosexuality Part2 (2/2)
Response to Trumbach’s “The Transformation of Sodomy from the Renaissance
to the Modern World and Its General Sexual Consequences”: Part 2
The former part of this topic is found at the below link:
A Study of Eighteenth-Century Sexualities: Homosexuality Part1 (1/2) - Mutsuko Takahashi BLOG
In this blog entry, I examine eighteenth-century sexuality from the perspective of homosexuality based on Randolph Trumbach's article, entitled, "The Transformation of Sodomy from the Renaissance to the Modern World and Its General Sexual Consequences".
Sodomitical allusions in artistic works after 1700
We can observe how criminal punishment affected sodomy in Figure 3: The Women-Hater's Lamentation which portrays the felonious aspect of sodomy. It should be noted that it is not artwork to produces an ideology of the time, but the ideology of the place where the artwork was created might produce the artwork. However, the opposite will happen when it is delivered to other countries where there are different cultures and ideologies, for the new trend can be delivered by it.
Due to the outflow of media, such as Figure 3, representing guilty of sodomy, the trend towards sodomy after 1700 has changed from the neighbors of England first and gradually spread to southern and eastern countries. The statement of Trumbach, including that of Pflugfelder and Sommer, that the new regime had reached Japan in the eighteenth century is disputable because Japan had been in national isolation from 1639 to 1854 without contacting foreign countries. To support this idea, Leupp’s explanation can be considered of value. He states that a trend of the Western culture which considers sodomy as guilty had flowed into Japan as of the opening of the country to the world in the middle of the 19th century.
Since Figure 2: Jacopo Amigoni is a work of 1740, it might have been affected by the new regime after 1700. One might observe a metaphorical allusion to the punishment for sodomy in this painting under the mask of lesbianism. This painting is obviously influenced by Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In the picture, Callisto and Jupiter who transformed into Diana are depicted. Callisto is portrayed as an adolescent girl contrary to the maturity of Diana/Jupiter. In the context of Greek mythology, Jupiter hiding under the mask of Diana gets Callisto pregnant. The real Diana became resentful at Callisto’s ruined chastity; thus, she turned Callisto into a bear and killed her.
This painting is remarkable in casting light on the question of how a woman loves another woman. More to the point, Jupiter who transformed into Diana was physically a woman, but she had a substitute for phallus that can make Callisto pregnant. Having a substitute for the phallus, a person who was available to take the male role held a leading position. On the other hand, the real Diana turned Callisto into a bear by magical power and killed her. This incident can prove that the real Diana also has the phallic power to ruin her.
Diana/Jupiter can symbolize a type of hermaphrodite. Jupiter hiding under the mask of Diana violated Callisto’s immature body. Callisto’s immature body also symbolizes some type of hermaphrodite. Callisto was ruined twice: first, by fake Diana’s physical phallic power, and secondly, by real Diana’s symbolical phallic power. Seen in this light, the dramatization in this painting is metaphorically implying the punishment of sodomy. The dramatization in this picture also involves an aspect of transvestite, for a man, Jupiter, is wearing the female flesh, Diana’s mask, as a garment on his very soul.
Figure 4: Hammersmith (1781) obviously involves the theme of a transvestite. Although the relationship of the Ladies of Llangollen had been said as a romantic friendship, it was also exposed to curiosity as sapphists. Considering Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was published in 1792, however, their relationship could be the earliest model at the dawn of feminism.
As is mentioned thus far, the new sexual regime that occurred in England, France, and the Netherlands after 1700 can be the result of the first impact of the expiration of the Licensing of the Press Act in 1695. Feather points out that a large number of publications were released to the literary market since then. As a result, publications of women writers were also increased. Moreover, the literary market enlarged due to the literacy improvement and the expansion of readership along with the rise of the middle class; hence, the change had covered all social classes.
Callanan, James Aloysius Stanislaus. A History of Literary Censorship in England, Harvard College, 1925. The Internet Archive Digital Library
“Callisto”, Theoi Greek Mythology: Digital Library.
Feather, John. A History of British Publishing, PART I: The Early Modern Book Trade, 3: The Book Trade and the State, London: Routledge. 2006. EBSCO host.
Leupp, Gary P. Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan, Berkeley: University of California Press. 1995.
OED, “homosexual”, Definition A.1.a. “Characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to, or sexual activity with, people of the same sex; involving or relating to same-sex desire or sexual activity”. First appearance in John Addington Symonds’ A Problem in Modern Ethics, viii,60.
Rictor Norton (Ed.), “The Women-Hater’s Lamentation, 1707”, Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England: A Sourcebook, 1999.
Ribalta, Francisco. “Christ Embracing St. Bernard”, Web Gallery of Art.
“Two Impures of the Ton, Driving to the Gigg Shop, Hammersmith”, Yale University Lewis Walpole Library Digital Collections.
Venette, Nicolas. The Mysteries of Conjugal Love Reveal’d, Eighteenth Century Collections Online.
18世紀のセクシュアリティ研究:同性愛 Part2 (2/2)
ランドルフ・トランバッハ (Randolph Trumbach) の論文、"The Transformation of Sodomy from the Renaissance to the Modern World and Its General Sexual Consequences"に基づいて、18世紀のセクシュアリティを同性愛の観点から考察します。
この記事のPart1はこちら→18世紀のセクシュアリティ研究:同性愛 Part1 (1/2) - Mutsuko Takahashi BLOG
※ トランバッハの論文では歴史的な史実をもとに、彼の発見が記されていますが、なぜそのようなことが起きたのか理由が述べられていません。その仮説と、それを裏付ける証拠を挙げて、Part 1では解明を試みます。
ソドミーの凶暴な側面を描いた図3: The Women-Hater's Lamentationで、刑事罰がソドミーにどのように影響したかを観察できます。当時のイデオロギーを生み出すのはアートワークではなく、アートワークが生み出された場所のイデオロギーがアートワークを生み出す可能性があることに注意する必要があります。ただし、文化やイデオロギーが異なる他の国に配信すると、逆のことが起こります。新しいトレンドを配信できるからです。
図3のようにソドミーの罪を表すメディアの流出により、1700年代以降のソドミーへの傾向は、最初はイギリスの隣国から変化し、徐々に南部と東部の国々に広がりました。 PflugfelderとSommerの声明を含むTrumbachの声明は、新しい政権が18世紀に日本に到達したということは、日本が1639年から1854年まで外国と接触することなく国を孤立させていたため、議論の余地があります。この考えを支持するために、Leuppの説明は価値があると考えることができます。 19世紀半ばに日本が世界に開放されたとき、ソドミーを有罪と見なす西洋文化の傾向が日本に流れ込んだと彼は述べています。
図2: Jacopo Amigoniは1740年の作品であるため、1700年以降の新体制の影響を受けた可能性があります。この絵では、レズビアンの仮面の下でソドミーに対する罰の比喩的な言及が見られるかもしれません。この絵は明らかにオウィディウスの変身物語の影響を受けています。写真には、ダイアナに変身したカリストーとジュピターが描かれています。カリストは、ダイアナ/ジュピターの成熟度に反して、思春期の少女として描かれています。ギリシャ神話の文脈では、ダイアナのマスクの下に隠れている木星はカリストを妊娠させます。本物のダイアナは、カリストの台無しにされた純潔に憤慨しました。したがって、彼女はカリストをクマに変えて、彼女を殺しました。
図4: Hammersmith (1781)は、明らかに服装倒錯者のテーマを含んでいます。スランゴスレンの女性の関係はロマンチックな友情と言われていましたが、それはまた、サピストとしての好奇心にさらされていました。メアリウルストンクラフトの女性の権利の擁護が1792年に出版されたことを考えると、しかし、彼らの関係はフェミニズムの黎明期の最も初期のモデルである可能性があります。
Callanan, James Aloysius Stanislaus. A History of Literary Censorship in England, Harvard College, 1925. The Internet Archive Digital Library
“Callisto”, Theoi Greek Mythology: Digital Library.
Feather, John. A History of British Publishing, PART I: The Early Modern Book Trade, 3: The Book Trade and the State, London: Routledge. 2006. EBSCO host.
Leupp, Gary P. Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan, Berkeley: University of California Press. 1995.
OED, “homosexual”, Definition A.1.a. “Characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to, or sexual activity with, people of the same sex; involving or relating to same-sex desire or sexual activity”. First appearance in John Addington Symonds’ A Problem in Modern Ethics, viii,60.
Rictor Norton (Ed.), “The Women-Hater’s Lamentation, 1707”, Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England: A Sourcebook, 1999.
Ribalta, Francisco. “Christ Embracing St. Bernard”, Web Gallery of Art.
“Two Impures of the Ton, Driving to the Gigg Shop, Hammersmith”, Yale University Lewis Walpole Library Digital Collections.
Venette, Nicolas. The Mysteries of Conjugal Love Reveal’d, Eighteenth Century Collections Online.
18th Century Sexualities: Homosexuality Part1 (1/2)
Response to Trumbach’s “The Transformation of Sodomy from the Renaissance
to the Modern World and Its General Sexual Consequences”: Part 1
In this blog entry, I examine eighteenth-century sexuality from the perspective of homosexuality based on Randolph Trumbach's article, entitled, "The Transformation of Sodomy from the Renaissance to the Modern World and Its General Sexual Consequences".
- Viewpoints
- Background
- Observing the situation before 1700
- The advent of the sudden change after 1700: in England
- Considering a sudden change after 1700 in neighbors of England: France and the Netherlands
Trumbach's Historical Findings:
After 1700, there was a sudden change in sexuality in Europe.
The change occurred rapidly in one generation after 1700.
- The change occurred among all social classes.
In three countries, (England, France, and the Netherlands) the change occurred simultaneously.
The changes that took place in these three countries were transmitted to more distant China and Japan before spreading to neighboring countries in Europe.
Homosexuality was practiced by both men and women, but legal documents exist only for men.
Trumbach states that people’s sexual interests and function in Europe after 1700 were completely different from sexuality before 1700. Moreover, this obvious shift had rapidly been occurring in one generation after 1700 coincidentally among every social class straddled three countries in England, France, and the Netherlands. This blog entry tries to explore the causes according to Trumbach’s important notice that the change occurred simultaneously in certain areas covering all social classes.
In considering the reason for the said change, the acquisition of freedom of speech brought by the expiration of the Licensing of the Press Act in 1695 can be raised as a possible reason. We will see that the ideology of the time is reflected in artistic works introduced in Trumbach’s article.
※ Note: Although the first use of the word, “homosexual” is in 1891 according to OED, the term will be used in this paper for the purpose of convenience.
Observing the situation before 1700
According to Trumbach, homosexuality had been widely rampant among both men and women before 1700. All men presumably desired both women and adolescent boys while women also desired both men and women.
Trumbach is a historian, so his credibility regarding historical facts is high, but just in case, I argue based on some evidence to support the chaotic sexual orientation of the time. I would like to cite Nicolas Venette’s book, entitled, The Mysteries of Conjugal Love Reveal’d as a reference for evidence. (The book is available in an online archive.)
You can also view 18th-century historical documents and books for free at Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO). ECCO requires a login, but researchers are accessible to the site through their institutions.
To justify the chaotic sexual orientation of the time, Venette’s study of hermaphrodites can be applicable. It is because an adolescent boy is considered a type of hermaphrodite that doesn’t belong to the male category, and a homosexual woman is also categorized as another type of hermaphrodite. Since there are three types of sex, intercourse with the third sex cannot theoretically be claimed as homosexuality.
Venette’s study can be applied to the times before 1700, for he lived from 1633 to 1698; however, to support the situation earlier than his life, we can trace it back to the times of Andreas Vesalius in the 16th century.
Here is an anatomical image of reproductive organs in Andreas Vesalius.
The anatomical image of reproductive organs by Vesalius
The inverted image of the reproductive organs can suggest the unity of the two sexes. Since there is no big difference between the reproductive organs of the two sexes, intercourse with the opposite sex can already involve the homosexual aspect. Given that all cases embrace homosexuality, an act of performing sexual intercourse with any sex will be justifiable.
As an example reflecting an ideology before 1700, the painting of Figure 1: Francesc Ribalta in Trumbach’s article can be raised. Whether seen through the lens of Venette’s theory or Vesalius’ anatomy of the reproductive organ, the embracement of adult men wouldn’t be controversial; any adult man would be a passive existence when Christ bestows embracement on him.
The advent of the sudden change after 1700: in England
Trumbach informs us of the advent of the sudden change after 1700 in northwestern Europe: England, France, and the Netherlands. According to him, a man desiring the same sex is a deviation from the normal pattern. This section will cover the observation of the change in England.
What delivered such a sudden change will presumably be the expiration of the Licensing of the Press Act in 1695. To support this hypothesis, I will focus on a short period when abolition and renewal were repeated before the formal expiration in 1695.
Let's take a look at the court records of the time for violations of the printing laws and regulations. Court records are viewable at the Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court).
As is shown in the Old Bailey’s criminal records, the temporal changes were remarkably injurious to the public order for the printing. 【Search words: seditious libel】 Callanan refers to the temporal expiration and the renewal years in his paper; therefore, comparing the history shown by him and with the years of the criminal history in Old Bailey, we will discover that those temporal changes obviously affected on the public. On the other hand, however, the public has come to expose to the freedom of speech because of this change.
The sodomitical image shown in Figure 3: The Women-Hater's Lamentation in Trumbach’s article indicates the felonious aspect of sodomy. Because the year of publication is 1707, it accords with the times of the drastic change after 1700. With the expiration of the Licensing of the Press Act, we can deduce that a sense of guilt had been inculcated in the public through various media. Trumbach mentions that the lesbian minority did not have the same impact as the male sodomite minority due to the lack of legal sources. Hence, we will see what holds the key is an information network.
Since sodomy was subject to criminal penalty in England at the time, it appeared in legal sources if it was violated. On the other hand, a lesbian could be a sin from a religious point of view but was not a subject of legal crime; therefore, this fact can explain the reason for the information shortage of lesbian minorities. As another possible reason, lesbianism could have been intentionally conserved, for it can potentially involve heterosexual elements by attracting a man’s sexual interest.
Considering a sudden change after 1700 in neighbors of England: France and the Netherlands
What is behind distributing information will be a medium, such as arts, literary works, and other media for communication.
According to Trumbach, during the first generation after 1700, the change had occurred only in England, France, and the Netherlands. The change had not been reached in southern and eastern areas yet. However, the new sexual regime had already reached China and Japan in the eighteenth century, before arrived in Southern and Eastern Europe.
By this historical fact, we can deduce that an information network that affected this change was mainly diffused through a pipeline of seaborne trade rather than that of overland trade. With the expiration of the Licensing of the Press Act in England in 1695, the impact of freedom of speech was immediately spread to neighboring countries in France and the Netherlands.
Not only publications delivered by linguistic messages, but also nonlinguistic messages produced by artistic works must have been widely spread beyond the barrier of literacy and language. All kinds of publications and artistic works, from linguistic messages to nonlinguistic ones, had been translated, interpreted, and traveled all the way through marine transportation routes, and rapidly reached Asia.
Trumbach states that Christian doctrine couldn’t regulate men’s desire for sodomy before 1700. On the other hand, he informs that the English in the early eighteenth century was claiming that it was Christianity that taught the ancients the sinfulness of sodomy.
Although Trumbach does not make clear statements in this regard, we can observe that he takes a skeptical stance toward the issue of whether Christianity could have controlled sodomy after the eighteenth century. It is because, immediately after mentioning the English people’s statement, he states that sodomites were everywhere whether Roman Catholic or Muslim.
English people’s claim that Christianity regulated the sodomy of the ancients appears to be untenable; for, in the case of Japan, Christianity had already reached Japan in 1549 by Francisco de Xavier. He did missionary work in Japan and India.
Nevertheless, as Trumbach states, sodomy had existed in China, Japan, India, and Islamic societies as of the eighteenth century. This fact can refute the English people’s claim. As is shown in the lesbian case which could be a sin but is not a crime, we can deduce what regulates sodomy was not religious restrictions but was criminal punishment.
The latter part of this topic is found at the below link:
A Study of Eighteenth-Century Sexualities: Homosexuality Part2 (2/2) - Mutsuko Takahashi BLOG
18世紀のセクシュアリティ研究:同性愛 Part1 (1/2)
ランドルフ・トランバッハ (Randolph Trumbach) の論文、"The Transformation of Sodomy from the Renaissance to the Modern World and Its General Sexual Consequences"に基づいて、18世紀のセクシュアリティを同性愛の観点から考察します。
- 1700年以降、ヨーロッパで突如セクシュアリティに変化が起こった。
- 1700年以降の一世代で急速に変化は起こった。
- すべての社会階級の間で変化は起こった。
- イギリス、フランス、オランダの3か国で変化は同時に起こった。
- 上記3か国の変化は、ヨーロッパの隣国に広がる前に中国や日本に届いた。
- 男女それぞれ同性愛が行われていたが、男性のみに法的資料が存在する。
注:OEDによると、"Homosexual"という言葉が最初に使用されたのは1891年ですが、この記事では便宜上この単語の日本語に相当する 「同性愛」という用語を使用します。
Nicolas Venette (ニコラ・ヴェネット)のThe Mysteries of Conjugal Love Reveal’d を証拠となる参考資料として挙げたいと思います。
ちなみに、上記のヴェネットの本は販売もされていますが、このような18世紀の歴史的資料は Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) で無料で見ることができます。ECCOはログインが必要なので、研究者の方は所属の研究機関を通じて閲覧可能です。
さて、ヴェネットのHermaphrodite (雌雄同体)に関する研究は、当時の混沌とした性的指向を裏付けるために適用することができます。ベネットの本によれば、思春期の少年は男性の範疇に属さない雌雄同体の一種と見なされ、同性愛の女性も雌雄同体の一種に分類されていたことが記されています。
しかし、彼の生きた時代よりも、もっと前の時代の状況も立証するために、16世紀にさかのぼって解剖学者アンドレアス・ヴェサリウス (Andreas Vesalius)の解剖図を参考資料として挙げたいと思います。
1700年以前のイデオロギーを反映した例として、トランバッハの記事の図1: Francesc Ribaltaの絵を上げることができます。ヴェネットの理論のレンズを通して見た場合でも、ヴェサリウスの生殖器の解剖学を通して見た場合でも、成人男性の受け入れは物議を醸すものではありません。キリストが彼に抱擁を与えるとき、どんな成人男性も受動的な存在になるでしょう。
印刷業における法令違反の当時の裁判記録を見てみましょう。裁判記録は オールド・ベイリー(中央刑事裁判所) で閲覧することができます。
オールドベイリーの裁判記録でこの時期の印刷業における前科を調べてみると、印刷法の廃止と更新が繰り返しが、印刷の公序良俗に著しく害を及ぼしたことがわかります。 【検索ワード:seditious libel (治安妨害文書; 文書扇動罪)】
さらなる証拠を見つけるために、James Aloysius Stanislaus Callanan (ジェイムズ・カラナン)の A History of Literary Censorship in England を参考資料として挙げたいと思います。
トランバッハの記事の図3: The Women-Hater's Lamentationに示されているソドミーの画像は、ソドミーの凶暴な側面を示しています。出版年は1707年であるため、1700年以降の急激な変化の時代と一致します。プレス法の認可の満了により、さまざまなメディアを通じて罪悪感が一般に浸透したと推測できます。
ソドミーは当時のイギリスで刑事罰の対象となっていたため、違反した場合は前科を示すような法的情報源に表示されました。一方、レズビアンは宗教的な観点からは「罪 (Sin)」である可能性がありますが、法的な「犯罪 (Crime)」の対象ではありませんでした。
罪 (Sin)である可能性があるが犯罪 (Crime)ではないレズビアンのケースに示されているように、ソドミーを規制するものは宗教的制限ではなく刑事罰であったと推測できます。
この記事のPart2はこちら→18世紀のセクシュアリティ研究:同性愛 Part2 (2/2) - Mutsuko Takahashi BLOG
※ トランバッハの論文で紹介された芸術作品には、当時のイデオロギーが反映されていることがよくわかります。芸術作品に関しては、Part 2で詳細を述べます。
About Me
For those of you new to my blog, let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Dr. Mutsuko Takahashi, a researcher of English literature, and I study English literature mainly in the light of psychoanalysis.
I obtained my Ph.D. in the United States, and I have already completed the Ph.D. program in Japan as well. After completion of the Ph.D. program in Japan, I came to the U.S. for further study in global viewpoints. I have an MA in English both in Japan and the United States, and Ph.D. in the United States.
I already published a dissertation at the Japan Psychoanalytical Literary Studies Association and presented my research at academic conferences.
The journey of my academic interest has started from the Victorian female writers to the American Lost Generation writers and now been back to the Victorian writers, both female and male writers, for the following reasons.
I have reached an idea of what makes Victorian female writers special is the repression they had been suffered. This is why I'm attracted to their novels. My previous study in Japan focused on the psychoanalysis of the literary works written by the Victorian female writers. After I came to the United States, my academic interest has been directed to American Lost Generation literature since multicultural American life posed a question of identity to me. I had never faced this issue while I lived in Japan, an ethnically homogeneous island country surrounded by the sea that makes the country isolated from overseas countries.
For this reason, my Master's thesis in the United States was the study of the Lost Generation writers' novels focusing on the issues of identity. The works of the Lost Generation writers manifest that repression plays a major role in creating characters' inner struggles in the novels. We can also observe writers' inner conflicts of how they adapt the legacies of classics to the modern writings situated at the border of the transition period under the pressure of the new era.
For my Ph.D. dissertation, I came back to the Victorian novels. I'm interested in focusing on how repression affects creativity, and Victorian writers are important in terms of repression. Rereading the novels beyond gender issues, we will see that women are not the only victims of patriarchy. Therefore, my study focuses especially on female characters and domestic marginal male characters, such as second or third sons in patriarchy, in the Victorian novels.
My study deals with socio-economic cultural realities, including post-colonial issues and feminist issues as possible contentions within psychoanalytic domains; for, socio-economic and cultural realities override the personal travail whereas the psychological aspects are significant in character formation in novels.
As well as my specialization in literary studies, I have English teaching certification in both Japan and the United States: the national highest level of the English teaching certificate issued by the Ministry of Education in Japan and the SIT TESOL Certificate issued by SIT Graduate Institute in the United States.
Hopefully, you will enjoy reading my blog. Thanks for visiting, and have a great time!