Dr. Mutsuko Takahashi BLOG

ニューヨーク在住、英文学博士・個人投資家の高橋睦子【Mutsuko Takahashi】です。ブログへのご訪問ありがとうございます。

mutsuko takahashi



Mutsuko Takahashi 著 私は文学の精神分析を専門としているので、この記事ではジグムント・フロイトの心理性的発達理論とエディプスコンプレックスの概念について説明したいと思います。 ほぼ例外なく、英語圏の人々はフロイトの名前を無声音のシグムントと…

Freud's Psychosexual Stages and the Oedipus Complex

by Mutsuko Takahashi Since I specialize in the psychoanalysis of literature, I would like to talk about the concept of psychosexual stages and the Oedipus complex of Sigmund Freud. Almost exclusively, English speaking people pronounce his …


Mutsuko Takahashi 著 アメリカの大学院では、絵画の考察も文学研究に含まれています。 まずはじめに、こちらのラス・メニーナスと題する絵画をご覧ください。最初のはベラスケスの描いたもので、次のはピカソによるものです。 ラス・メニーナス (1656) 作者…

【Literary Study】Some observations on the paired paintings of Velázquez and Picasso

by Mutsuko Takahashi To begin with, let's take a look at those paintings, Las Meninas: one is portrayed by Diego Velázquez, and the other is drawn by Pablo Picasso. Las Meninas, 1656 by Diego Velázquez: wikimedia.org, Public Domain Las Men…

【Literary Study】Response to Patricia Bizzell's Opinion: "Contact Zones" and English Studies

by Mutsuko Takahashi Bizzell's article, Opinion: "Contact Zones" and English Studies, is readable at JSTOR. www.jstor.org Bizzell states that "We would, in effect, be reading all the texts as brought to the contact zone, for the purpose of…

【Literary Study】A study of Kenko Yoshida's Essay in Idleness (徒然草の研究): Part 6 (6/6)

by Mutsuko Takahashi Now, let's take a look at section 137. At first, let me explain some words in this section.Toribeno (鳥辺野) is the field in Toribeyama (鳥部山) which appeared in section 7. As I mentioned already, this place was a cre…

【Literary Study】A study of Kenko Yoshida's Essay in Idleness (徒然草の研究): Part 5 (5/6)

by Mutsuko Takahashi Now, let's take a look at section 22.This section begins with the words "In all things I yearn for the past. Modern fashions seem to keep on growing more and more debased". And he refers to the contemporary spoken lang…

【Literary Study】A study of Kenko Yoshida's Essay in Idleness (徒然草の研究): Part 4 (4/6)

by Mutsuko Takahashi Now, I would like to talk about section 10 and section 11, for those sections are related.Kenko states about a house in section 10, "how delightful it is to find one that has harmonious proportions and a pleasant atmos…

【Literary Study】A study of Kenko Yoshida's Essay in Idleness (徒然草の研究): Part 3 (3/6)

by Mutsuko Takahashi Now, let's take a look at section 7.This section has an atmosphere that views life as something transient and empty. At first, let me explain a few words in this section. Adashino is a cemetery located in the northwest…

【Literary Study】A study of Kenko Yoshida's Essay in Idleness (徒然草の研究): Part 2 (2/6)

by Mutsuko Takahashi Now, let's take a look at section 1.Kenko starts this section with the sentence, "It is enough, it would seem, to have been born into this world for a man to desire many things". In this section, at first, he refers to…

【Literary Study】A study of Kenko Yoshida's Essay in Idleness (徒然草の研究): Part 1 (1/6)

by Mutsuko Takahashi Kenko Yoshida (lived from about 1283 to 1352) is a monk, and his work Essay in Idleness, original title: Tureduregusa, is categorized as medieval Japanese literature in historical rank. The title of his work sounds lik…

【Literary Study】Response to Virginia Woolf's "Street Haunting"

by Mutsuko Takahashi Response to Verginia Woolf's "Street Haunting: A London Adventure" (1930) This essay is free-to-access at the website link below: s.spachman.tripod.com What the narrator seeks through the essay is the self-realization …